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Our First Guest

We are pleased to announce you that the parisian hub's first guest will be Wang Chunchen who was the appointed Curator of the Chinese Pavilion for the 2013 Venice Biennale.

More on Wang Chunchen here :

Wang Chunchen is the Head of the Department of Curatorial Research of CAFA Art Museum at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, as well as an Adjunct Curator of The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum of Michigan State University, and is known for his contributions to the arts via his own body of works, publications and curatorial experiences. His critical essays are collected in The Democracy of Art and The Political Images. In 2009 he was honored with the coveted Chinese Contemporary Art Award which is echo by the numerous awards he has received for his input in Art Criticism. The result of this award is the writing and publication of Art Intervenes in Society. With over 100 articles in the past five years published on almost every aspect of the impact Chinese contemporary artists are facing has made him a thought after curator. With some of the most notable shows beingConceptual Renewal: A Brief History of Chinese Contemporary Photography 2012, Beijing; The First Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale, 2012, Shenzhen; Sub-Phenomena: A Report of the State of Young Chinese Artists, Beijing, 2012; CAFAM Biennale 2011: Super-Organism, 2011, Beijing; Infinity, the Galerie Iris Schuhmacher, 2009, Berlin Germany; Mixed Maze, 2008, Red Mansion Foundation, London; Supernatural – China’s Photography in the New Century, 2008, ArtGate Gallery, New York; Dynamics of Images, 2008, 798 Photo Gallery, Beijing. Chunchen Wang has also played a great influence on Chinese contemporary art criticism by his translations of over ten books of art history and theory: such as After the End of Art (Arthur C. Danto), The Abuse of Beauty (Arthur C. Danto), Art Since 1940, The Language of Art History, Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985,The Phenomenology of Painting, The Interpretation of Art, Postmodernism, Post-socialism and Beyond, etc.

Courtesy Wang Chunchen.

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